
Give Every Child a Chance

322 Sun West Place • Manteca, CA 95337
Give Every Child a Chance's Image

From its humble beginnings in 1998 with a single tutoring site and 13 tutors, Give Every Child A Chance (GECAC) has emerged as a unique organization dedicated to helping children reach their fullest potential.

What has made GECAC, a non-profit organization so special? Volunteers. From the founders, board of directors, community partners, corporate sponsors, mentor tutors, every aspect of GECAC is driven by the generosity of community volunteers. Because of the efforts of literally hundreds of volunteers, GECAC is able to offer its tutoring services AT NO COST. Churches, businesses, civic clubs, educational and governmental organizations, youth programming have all joined forces to work for the benefit of our children. We are committed to developing and maintaining a quality mentor program that will have a positive impact on the lives of children in our community.