
Why California Leads The Synthetic Biology Industry (And How Your State Can Cash In, Too)

18 Sep 2019

In addition to earning billions from apps, California will soon be making trillions from living medicines, biomolecules, and microbes. Other states can cash in on this boom, too.

“I think the biggest innovations of the 21st century will be at the intersection of biology and technology,” said Apple co-founder Steve Jobs when asked where he thought the next economic revolution would be - “A new era is beginning.”

Our ability to program biology could drive the economy for the next century. This pursuit, known as synthetic biology, has already created revolutionary products in agriculture, consumer goods, and more. Over the past decade, California — together with Massachusetts — has received the lion’s share of U.S. synthetic biology investments. Out of a total of more than $12 billion invested in the last 10 years, California has brought in $5.3B and Massachusetts $4.4B.

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