
Small Business Resources

Grow Tracy Fund Loan Program

March 09, 2018

Category: Grants and Financing

The City of Tracy and the Grow America Fund (GAF) have established and capitalized the Grow Tracy Fund as an economic development tool designed to assist eligible small businesses within the City of Tracy to obtain the financing required to grow their business.

Loans made under this program are underwritten by the Grow America Fund and guaranteed by the Small Business Administration (SBA) under GAF’s Small Business Lending Company License. Therefore, each loan must comply with SBA guidelines and procedures. Advantages of this program include:

  • Longer term – up to 25 years
  • Lower interest rates (prime + 1.5% variable) than most conventional bank financing
  • Loan amounts range from $100,000 to $2M
  • Proceeds can be used for working capital, machinery & equipment purchases and installation, tenant improvements, real estate acquisition, business debt refinancing, etc.

For more information on the Grow Tracy Fund please contact an Economic Development representative at (209) 831-6490. A detailed Grow Tracy Fund brochure is also below.