
Grants and Financing

California Small Business Loan Guarantee Program

February 17, 2023

Category: Grants and Financing

The California Small Business Loan Guarantee Program enables a small business or farm to obtain a term loan or line of credit when it cannot otherwise qualify for a loan.  The California Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank (“IBank”) administers the Small Business Loan Guarantee Program (“SBLGP or State program”) and the State Small Business Credit Initiative (“SSBCI or Federal program”) to help businesses create and retain jobs.  The program encourages lenders to make small business loans that are not traditionally qualified and it provides a lender with the necessary security, in the form of a guarantee, to approve a loan or line of credit.  The guarantees are issued on behalf of the State by seven non-profit Small Business Financial Development Corporations located throughout California.  The loan guarantee is backed by Trust Funds, funded with State and Federal dollars, administered by the State of California.